
Little eagles, Mt Painter

Subject: Little eagles, Mt Painter
From: pardalote <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 21:15:29 +1000
Hi All

I spent a fair bit of time at Mt Painter today and observed multiple birds of interest.  From the pinnacle of the mountain I observed a Little Eagle circling over the fields (looking towards Civic).  It circled at various altitudes for quite some time before disappearing into the trees on the other side of the road with a second Little Eagle which was circling a long way off the the other side of William Hovel Drive.  A cry was then heard, which is used when the birds are close to their nest (according to an iPod app).

Another interesting observation was of several small flocks, consisting of 2-7 birds, of yellow-faced honeyeaters.  I presume they are some of the first few moving into Canberra for the summer.  They would not sit still.

There were many other birds seen in the trees near the entry off Booth St including:
  • Grey Butcherbird
  • Striated Pardalotes
  • Spotted Pardalotes
  • Eastern Spinebill
  • Golden Whistlers (heard)
  • Red Wattlebirds
  • Pied Currawongs
  • Magpies
  • Starlings
  • Dusky Woodswallows (near gate at start of paved track)
  • Nankeen Kestrels (up around the hills with no tree cover)

Not a bird, but a Bearded Dragon was on a log (it wasn't too happy about us trying to touch it) before proceeding to climb up a tree and onto a dead branch (~2m above the ground).  The lizard did a head-bob (presumably a sign of dominance), causing the branch it was on to wobble.


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