great photos- thank you! Same pond as this morning (#7 according to the
map at,
but I could only see one at the far side, and when I began to circle to
get closer it had disappeared.
I was also out looking for a W. Tern but with no luck.
On 9/09/2012 5:59 PM, Lindell wrote:
Hope this will answer your questions on ID. There were 2 of these at
the FSPonds (4pm) in the poo pond on the left with the least amount of
water in it. I was able to get quite close with neither of them
minding - too busy feeding. There were 2 Black-fronted Dotterels in
the first pond on the right so they were a good comparison for size.
These two were slightly finer/smaller.
So no doubt they are the Red-necked Stints. I did go out to see the
Whiskered Tern but it was elsewhere.
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