Well, I couldn't see any bird until I thought, I don't understand the photo
and why is the clothes line upside down. Flip it 180 degrees and yes a
Red-capped Robin appears.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Clayton
Sent: Saturday, 8 September 2012 12:05 PM
Subject: FW: Red-capped Robin
Hi all, This was sent to me by a colleague earlier this morning. He lives in
Florey (sorry, forgot to ask his street address). Apologies if the size of
the photo is too big [187 kb] - it is poor quality so if you are on dial-up
don't open it!
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Red-capped Robin
Still around, 25 minutes later.
This is the best photo I have so far, taken through the kitchen window with
the iPad (my only camera!) at maximum zoom.
Just identifiable.
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