This really is old news and probably not very
interesting to most, who probably can just delete this, but just for the record
so that I am not misunderstood.
Yesterday I wrote: "In the 1980s and
early 1990s ........ summary information was not
retained from one year to the next, other than what was printed in the ABR . . .
Indeed . . . . for
years 3 to 10 . . . running the
output routine obliterated the results of the prior year."
I care about this because Birds of Canberra Gardens V2 states that a
computerised database of GBS
Records was started by 1987. This system was not a database. This is just one small instance among
others, written about who did what when, that on the evidence is shown as
wrong. The correct
history was already
described in The GBS Report.