The web is a small, very delicate, affair under the verandah, it looks like a small normal orb web app 200mm around but instead of being vertical its on a horizontal plane. Its shaped like a flattened trumpet mouth,the flare being the bigger and horizontal part of the web and the middle part app 25mm wide, extending up to the underside of the verandah. This where the small 10 cent size, brown,long legged with whitish knees and huntsman shaped, sits in attendance. I would love to get a better look but fear damaging the web in doing so, plus it may savage a finger. I imagine it would normally spin its web under rock overhangs or caves. So to all you creepy crawly closet Arachnids aficionados, come out and be counted, no-one will think different of you!
PS- I'll understand if you wish to email me privately.
PSS- It goes without saying that your secret will be safe with me.
PSS- That is as long as you don't cross me!