Spent a few hours this morning at these 2 adjoining reserves. At Wanniassa Hills, after walking about 200m and seeing not a single bird, suddenly came across a large mixed feeding flock which included scarlet robins, an Eastern spinebill, lots of spotted pardalotes (some on the ground with the yellow-rumped thornbills), speckled warblers, buff rumped thornbills, and most surprisingly, a leaden flycatcher. Did not see a single common myna in the reserve, a major change from a few months ago, when there were dozens. There was a black-shouldered kite being chased by magpie larks. Across the road at Farrer Ridge, the first mixed flock included 4 scarlet robins (2m,2f). Another flock further on had many pardalotes (both kinds) and grey fantails. Constant procession of flocks of about 20 yellow-faced honeyeaters were flying over Farrer Ridge, landing in the top of eucs then taking off again - I put 100 in the database record, but this was a very conservative estimate. have also had smaller flocks flying over home(Wanniassa) through the day. A hobby flew past a few times on the Erindale Dr side of the reserve. Disappointingly, a a family with 2 large dogs had them off-leash in both reserves, and they allowed them to swim in 3 of the dams as well.
sandra h