From: Chris Davey [
Sent: Sunday, 12 February 2012 11:50 PM
To: 'Philip Veerman';
Subject: RE: [canberrabirds] Blue-billed Ducks in ACT
I believe the time has come to put this rumour to bed although I feel that I am wasting my time because like all urban legends once established it does not matter what the truth is there are some in the community who would like to believe what they have heard and continue to deny the truth. Therefore, this is the first and final comment that I have to make on this issue.
Having worked with the person in question and subsequently spoken to him about this rumour I have his word and can assure you the story is false.
Because the rumour is untrue the name of the person is irrelevant. Also irrelevant is the fact that he worked for CSIRO. The CSIRO issue keeps on coming up as though CSIRO had something to do with the rumoured release.
Given that this issue is nothing more than an urban myth there will be no comments in the up-and-coming ABR.
The sooner contributors to the COG chat-line stops wasting valuable space about this issue the better.
Chris Davey (waterfowl, ABR contributor)