While kayaking in the Jerrabomberra Wetlands on Saturday, Rod Mackay and I followed three adult (large) swans and four cygnets for a distance of 100 metres+. Everything seemed peaceful for this time. Then two of the large birds set on the other large bird and chased it down the creek for 10-15 metres. One then stopped the attack but the other continued. The cygnets, which had been staying close to the adults, swam across the creek (10-15 metres away) but continued swimming in the same direction as the adults. The brawl between the adults moved to the centre of the creek, at which stage the main aggressor attacked the group of cygnets - mainly by swimming through the group and flailing its bill at them. The fight then continued between the adults. Again the main aggressor attacked the young - it grabbed one cygnet and held it under the water. It returned to the fight with the adult. The cygnets swan close to the bank and one ran up the bank. The brawl continued again then, stopped. The main aggressor returned to the other adult and the swan peacefully along. the third adult also swan quite close to them.The cygnets slowly returned across the creek to the wetlands. The cause of the brawl was not apparent to we two humans, It was quite distressing to watch.