Interesting and a good record. The GBS Report says all records of the
species are from July to October. This is late June, so not that different. But
there were very few records at the time of The GBS Report (up to June 2002) and
the species has arrived here increasingly in recent years. I wonder if we have
enough information now, to come up with a better description (than mine) of the
time of year of getting this one here.
Two days ago (Wednesday 22nd ) we were lucky enough to have a White-headed
Pigeon in our garden in Cook. Judging by the pictures in Pizzey, it was a
female. When David first saw her, she was perched quite high up in a
tree. She then came onto our bird-feeder and ate a fair bit of the seed,
drank at our birdbath and then pottered around on the ground for some
time. She then flew off, and we have not seen her since. All up, she
must have been in our garden for about 45 minutes. Unfortunately, we were
engaged with a visiting tradesman at the time, so could not pass the word on
about her presence - sorry about that! We will put in a COG data sheet very
Jeannie Gray and David Landon.