This time an Olive Whistler this morning at ANBG SS 46/54. Shaun Bagley reported one of these there a few years ago and was awarded about 4 credules out of 10. It does look like one of the abundant female Golden Whistlers, so this is why I think it’s an O. (Incidentally, with a little work I could make it look a lot more like one.) First, it just looks like an OW to me, particularly the head. Secondly it has a distinct olive wash on the wings. Thirdly, when I first saw it, it was hopping along the edge of a path, rather like a blackbird, which was my first impression. It was also shyer than the usually blasé female Goldens. It is probably a first or second year bird. I think the ID is confirmed by the points of comparison in HANZAB (vol 6, p 1076) for separating immature Olives from female Goldens. Happy for anyone to disagree.