have been observed only at a few spots this wetter season. Therefore
it was a surprise to hear them in the Chapman horse paddocks down the valley
from the SW track on Cooleman Ridge yesterday morning. I conducted a more
detailed search this morning leaving the track almost directly S about 750 m
from the start at the end of Kathner St Chapman (where it turns left about 250 m
before the dam), and located a single mobile bird (possibly 2 as it moved about
0.5 km often without seeming to call between spots) giving a pretty full call
from perches or in flight.
This was about 400 m off just W of S off the track and represents my first
record of this species in the ACT this season (within a month of its expected
migration back N). I’m not sure how long it’s been in the area as I
haven’t been on the track since November last year due to the wet
Jack Holland