The phone rang early this morning and junior brat took the call. It was my friend Lamar from Latham. “Have you re-located to Hawaii?” Junior inquired. See, Lamar was quite excited, he claimed to have found the nest of a “little Honeycreeper” in his backyard. So we all shoe-horned into Junior’s elderly VW Beetle AKA The Wehrmacht’s Revenge and rumbled over to check out the “Honeycreepers.” The nest was in the forked stem of an overgrown buddleia shrub two metres above the ground. Lamar fetched a step ladder and Junior went upstairs. She returned to earth and reported there was an Eastern Spinebill on the nest. “Oh, and we have little Yellow-rumped Spinebills on our nature strip too sometimes,” Mrs Lamar said. So we took out our field guide and got that settled too.
John Layton