Well it didn’t rain solidly the whole weekend and most
people who have contacted me so far managed to get their surveys in, in one
case between chemotherapy treatments and in another at some water damage to a
vehicle. A sincere “thank you” from COG for your contribution. The most
unusual highlight to date has been the Channel-billed Cuckoo at The Pinnacle NR,
a ‘first” for the blitz, though the species has been seen or heard
most years recently. And now, please don’t waste your time and effort but
get those datasheets in - please! Either to my (physical) letterbox; or via
mail to COG, PO box
301 Civic Square 2608; or to COG’s databases via the
electronic input system (contact Paul Fennell for a password and
instructions) or bring them to the next meeting and drop them in the red
collection box in the tearoom. I’ll post an update each week as records
come to hand. Barbara Allan, blitz organiser