Some list members might be interested in browsing the The Journal
of Ornithology, which has free online access until the
end of October (via logging on the Springer Environmental Sciences
Reading Room)
A quick search suggests a fair number of articles on Australian
examples of some recent titles:
On the phylogenetic position of the
(Passeriformes: Menurae: Atrichornithidae) of Australia
R. Terry Chesser and José ten Have
2007, Volume 148, Number 4, Pages 471-476
Social structure and helping behaviour of
Grey-crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis
...crowned Babbler Pomatostomus
temporalis was conducted
in the monsoon-tropics of northern Australia. Most groups
comprised a single
socially monogamous pair with up to seven...
Kazuhiro Eguchi, Noriyuki Yamaguchi,
Keisuke Ueda, Hisashi
Nagata and Masaoki Takagi, et al.
2007, Volume 148, Supplement 2, Pages
A virgin flight across the Tasman Sea?
Satellite tracking
of post-fledging movement in the Australasian Gannet Morus
...New Zealand had been reported to fly
across the Tasman
Sea to Australia, with this historic knowledge derived from
the recovery of
banded carcasses and...
Stefanie M. H. Ismar, Colin Hunter, Kevin
Lay, Tamsin
Ward-Smith and Peter R. Wilson, et al.
2010, Volume 151, Number 3, Pages 755-759
Home range and territoriality of
owlet-nightjars Aegotheles cristatus in diverse habitats determine home range size in the
semi-arid zone of
central Australia (13 birds over two winters) and in a
eucalypt woodland in
Lisa I. Doucette
2010, Volume 151, Number 3, Pages 673-685
Food consumption, body mass and fat
deposition in captive
regent honeyeaters, Xanthomyza phrygia (Meliphagidae), during
the non-breeding
Ursula Munro and Michael McFadden
2005, Volume 146, Number 1, Pages 65-71
Moult in captive partially migratory and
Australian silvereyes ( Zosterops lateralis ) (Zosteropidae)
Ursula Munro, Julie R. Funnell and Audrey
S. Thomson
2006, Volume 147, Number 2, Pages 287-297
Robin Hide