
Help with ID, please.

To: <>
Subject: Help with ID, please.
From: "Margaret Leggoe" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 10:57:43 +1000

Sorry, no pickie!

Between the wind and the wedgies, my “photographic” trip to Kambah pool this morning was singularly unsuccessful.  I was teased most of the time by an invisible bird or two that just let out the occasional “Chirrup”.  There was no long song or constant repetitive notes. 

After giving up in disgust on the photography, I wandered around a bit, and as I drove away (camera safely packed away) I saw two unidentified birds in the exposed inner branches of small eucalypts.  They were grey/fawn all over, and their shape about that of a golden whistler, but to my inexperienced eye, I would have thought them a little bigger.  Then one of them let out the same “Chirrup” that I had heard before, just the once.

Any clues?

Many thanks

Margaret Leggoe


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