
Finch Central this arvo

To: Canberra Birds <>
Subject: Finch Central this arvo
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 07:04:50 +0000
Despite the blowy conditions and few spots of rain there was quite a lot happening at Finch Central this afternoon:

Fairywrens and Red-broweds without number.
10-12 Diamond Firetails with at least one juvenile.
50 Dusky Woodswallows
100 or so Swallows.
20-30 Tree Martins with many immatures.
5-10 Fairy Martins
a party of Choughs
a female Goshawk harassing the swallows
a pair of Flame Robins
100 or so Little Ravens flying over heading northwards
a few Yellow-faced H'eaters
2 Australian Pipits

John Leonard
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