Not sure if it was passed on -
Roger Curnow had nesting records for White-broweds out west Dunlop way
From: Margaret Leggoe
Sent: Sunday, 3 January 2010 1:24 PM
Subject: [canberrabirds] White-browed woodswallow at NVC
This morning there was at least one white-browed woodswallow
at the Namadgi Visitors’ Centre. I saw one, but that was on two
occasions, about 50 metres apart, so it may not have been the same bird.
Also saw a pair of leaden flycatchers, numerous noisy friar
birds with dependent young, a black-faced cuckoo-shrike trying to feed a
juvenile with a large hard beetle which it spat out, and superb fairy wren
feeding a juvenile.
Margaret Leggoe