Greetings: Several members and I have just returned from a COG
trip to Oolambeyan National Park in the Riverina. The display of
wildflowers in the native grasslands across the Riverina is stunning
this year, many different paper daisies in mass flowering
particularly. While the 30 degrees plus temps in the first week
of Sept did start to dry plants off, the 10ml rain there last Thursday and
milder weather may keep things looking good for a little while
longer. On the birds front, the trip highlights were close views of Black
Honeyeater, Crimson Chat and Black-eared Cuckoo, plus some
very fruitful spotlighting walks in the grasslands and Black Box
woodlands. There are many grassland birds breeding as you would
expect, eg Brown Songlark, Singing Bushlark, Little Button Quail
and Stubble Quail. We did not record Plainswander this time,
although we spotlighted on foot around a couple of known areas.
Unfortunately, the rain downpour on the last afternoon meant the Ranger
could not take vehicles in to spotlight in one of the
best paddocks. However, we expect to take a COG group again in
two years time.