I dropped back to
the west of
Mt Ainslie yesterday to check the spot where I had seen a Glossy
in a eucalypt, which I had last seen dropping down into a
casuarina-like tree below the gum. The nearest neighbouring (small)
trees are, I think, Drooping She-oak,
Allocasuarina verticillata, carrying
many cones, and the ground was littered with recently chewed cones.
Robin Hide
Robin Hide wrote:
Just before noon today, I saw a single Glossy Black-Cockatoo on, I
think, the same tree as I saw a pair on 30 March this year - east side
of Mt Ainslie, south of the Ainslie/Majura saddle, along the powerline
track, and just south of the steep gully, on the upslope side of the