Not only is the book Birdwatching on the Far South Coast" useful so are the posting on
this chat line. I followed up Dimitris Bertzeletos's posting and sure enough the
two species were obliging enough to have stayed around for me to see them
last Saturday. It was worth having the scope as I could clearly see
the rufousy feathers from the lower band of one of the
Approx 20 Red-necked Stints were still present as well. A few Red-capped
Plovers raced around as they do.
A male Varigated Fairy-wren in breeding plumage darted around the car park
near the Caravan Park. The shallow water in front of the caravan park hosted
lots of interesting fish including long toms and many stingrays.
A lone Caspian Tern graced the sandbank near the boat ramp as did a group
of Crested Terns.
I spied some Great Egrets in the shallow water about 300m further along
towards the highway.
Cheers Julienne