
Durras Trip next February

To: <>
Subject: Durras Trip next February
From: "Rod's Gardening" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 00:52:26 +1100
I'm just back from a few days at Durras doing a recce for the COG trip scheduled for 16-19 Feb.  Some highlights which would be nice to repeat then were:
- Pied Oystercatchers.  A pair of adults with dependent chick on a long narrow spit in the middle regions of Durras Lake.  Only a 100 metres or so further along the same spit was a single adult with another dependent chick.  The area of the sightings is several kilometres from the fenced off shorebird nesting area at the mouth of the lake so a question for the wader experts is: is it possible these chicks hatched at the nesting area and travelled upstream, or is the area where I saw them foraging another "nesting area"?  The young were certainly too young to have flown.  It was also interesting to see the young ones probing with their tiny beaks into the area disturbed by the parent birds.
-  Raptors.  Whistling Kite perched not 100 metres from the village boat ramp.  As I watched it a White-bellied Sea Eagle which I hadn't seen previously flew to a higher perch.  Then immediately above the WK was a pair of Peregrine Falcons circling.  Next I heard a splash and looked to see the WBSE  about a metre above the water with a fish in its talons.  It flew across the lake & landed in another gum tree to enjoy breakfast.  I had several other Sea Eagle sightings of possibly the same bird over the next several hours, plus what was either a juvenile, or perhaps the elusive Durras Osprey which surprised me with a 3 second sighting as it flew overhead in the confines of Cumbralaway Creek.
-  Kingfishers.  Several Sacred calling, one sighted, plus 6 Azure incl. 2 pairs engaged in what looked like courting behaviour.
-  Superb and Variegated Fairy Wrens, and Sthn. Emu Wrens, male & female of all 3 species.
-  Pied Cormorant, my first sighting in Durras lake area.
-  In the van park a Leaden Flycatcher, at least 2 White-winged Trillers calling, and 2 male Peacocks which wandered in from the bush to make their first appearance there.  They roosted high up in a tree opposite my van and their call would easily make the most annoying list if too often repeate
Rod Mackay
Tel.  0407 456 330
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