The Channel-Billed Cuckoos have now arrived here on the south coast along with the smaller ones. If anyone happens to be down this way and is interested in seeing one of these large cuckoos, it would be worth stopping at the "Big Fig" at the Mick Ryan Reserve in Milton. This huge fig tree, shown to me by young Richard Allen, is a hot spot for heaps of birds not normally seen up in Canberra. Birds I have seen included :- CB Cuckoos,Figbirds, Orioles,Topknot pigeons, White headed pigeons, both the B faced & White Bellied Cuckoo shrikes (and that was in the first minute) plus many more. It is well worth the time to stop, even if it's only to admire this wonderful tree,especially around Xmas time when the tree is in full fruit as it's the avian version of David Jones in the last week before xmas.
Bob Rusk |