Our fourth annual bird blitz is on again, on the weekend of 25-26
October, when we aim to record all birds present in the ACT over that weekend,
and any indications of breeding. We will again attempt to conduct surveys in as
many as possible of the 165 COG grid cells across the ACT. And we’d like
as many of you as possible to participate. Our webmaster has created a special “blitz”
icon on COG’s homepage, where you will shortly find instructions, an Excel
spreadsheet of the grid cells and description of the locations therein and who
has been allocated to survey there, and a map showing the grid cells that have
been allocated. A few prime sites are still up for grabs, including Woodstock
NR, Uriarra Crossing, Shepherds Lookout, in fact the whole of the Murrumbidgee
River Corridor, Nursery Swamp, Yerrabi Track, Yankee Hat, Oakey Hill,
Tuggeranong Hill, Bullen Bullen Range, Mt Rob Roy, Coppins Crossing, all of the
grassland nature reserves and much of the Brindabellas. So how about it,
listers? Think about choosing a favourite site – or one new to you - and
see what you can find there. Your minimum commitment is a 20-minute 2-hectare
survey per grid cell. Even if you can’t request to adopt a site, think
about contributing even by doing a 20-min 2-ha survey in your local park or
even backyard and environs. For more information or to adopt a site or grid
cell, please contact me directly. Do join us to make this annual event a
success. Barbara Allan