Another candidate for an “I brake for Flame Robins”
bumper sticker?
Perhaps the Flames were staying a bit higher this year. As
John Lennard mentioned, there was a flammation of male FRs (maybe 20) at
the open picnic area in Tidbinbilla, quite a scattering of glowing embers
across the roo-manured greensward
![FR comp.jpg](jpgIyxDwbJI_u.jpg)
Sent: Friday, 12 September 2008 10:17 AM
Subject: [canberrabirds] Red robins [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
After no Flame
Robins this winter in Curtin a male Red-capped Robin was calling at Nth Curtin
Horse Paddocks this morning. (seen last yr at same location and by Jack H
nearer Cotter Rd so possibly same bird)
Following a
trip thro Gippsland I have seen all of the male "red" robins so far
this month except Scarlet.
Rose at
McKenzie River Rainforest walk and Pink landed in middle of Tarra Valley road
.. yes, we did stop.