I think Marnix in his post (see below) is confusing the two youngsters with
two from the previous brood.
I took this photo at about 11:00 on Saturday the 26th (2 days ago) at the
dam wall end of the pond.
The youngsters look well short of mother's size and are still being
At the other end of the pond was a group of 6 adult sized ducks.
It may have been a group of 4 plus two individuals.
I could see all six at once for a period of 10 minutes
but only 4 in
the binoculars at one time
and two birds were moving about
independantly of the core group.
At least three of the ducks had wings too small for adults
at least two of them (the six, not the three) had partially developed whatever
those things under the neck are called.
roger curnow