
Emu, Ostrich and Southern Hemisphere [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Subject: Emu, Ostrich and Southern Hemisphere [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
From: "Whitworth, Benjamin - BRS" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:22:53 +1100
I wonder where this mystical southern hemisphere decision-making body is located. I think it is a safe bet to assume it is somewhere in Australia. 'Ostrich' is also published in southern hemisphere (S Af) and focuses on birds in this hemisphere.

Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology

 Ostrich is an international journal that publishes papers in the general field of ornithology in sub-Saharan Africa and its islands. The results of studies on the behaviour, biology, breeding, ecology, migrations and movements, and systematics of birds are published.

From: Robin Hide [
Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2008 10:29 AM
Subject: [canberrabirds] Fw: Birds Australia has created a complete digital archive of Emu

Of interest to some...this from a CSIRO Publishing email. Robin Hide

The Emu flies into Cyberspace

Birds Australia has created a complete digital archive of Emu –
Austral Ornithology
, back to the first issue in 1901 – an invaluable resource for all those interested in Australian birds and the history and social significance of ornithology in this unique environment.

Until now, Emu has only ever been available to those lucky enough to be able to mine reference library archives or to have their own set of bound volumes. The opening up of the digital archive means ornithologists around the world will be able to access a wealth of scientific information on the unique birdlife of the region, as well as stories of social significance from early expeditions and meetings of
the Royal Australian Ornithologists’ Union.

The archive offers insights into the development of a conservation consciousness in Australia, rare sightings of endangered and some
now extinct species, observations by early field naturalists of the effects of fire, floods and drought, as well as the changing nature of ornithological research and the social history of bird watching in the region.

Forty-seven volunteers from Birds Australia’s extraordinary and dedicated volunteer network, led by Stephen Garnett, have spent five years collating paper archive copies and scanning and formatting the 8851 articles published since 1901.

Emu, the premier journal for ornithological research and reviews in the Southern Hemisphere is published by CSIRO PUBLISHING on behalf of Birds Australia.

Subscription and online access to Emu is available to individuals through and to libraries and interested institutions from m("","publishing.sales");">CSIRO m("","publishing.sales");">PUBLISHING.

Selected articles of historical significance will be available free of charge throughout 2008, and are accessible from the Emu website.

Further information:

Birds Australia
Email: m("","mail");">

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