It's an influx, there's no other word for it!
John Leonard
On 27/01/2008, David Rees <> wrote:
> Dear all
> Between 1130 and 1230 today (Sunday 27 Jan) Lyn and I observed one maybe
> two Little Bitterns at Jerrabomberra wetlands. The first sighting we obseved
> for at least 15 mins hunting (very successfully) along the front of the
> reeds to the left of the Bittern hide, where one can often see crakes. We
> move on the Cygnus hide, while watching the intermediate egret feeding a
> Little Bittern flew across the entire width of the expanse of water in from
> of us from the reeds on the right to the bed on the far left of the hide.
> We also saw a little Bittern at Acacia Inlet on Saturday morning as well in
> the reeds close up to the Bike path crossing lights over lady Denman Drive.
> David Rees
John Leonard
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