Sawyers Gully Rd
An interesting valley leading off (NW) from Mountain Ck Rd. You need a
4wd. I thought the habitat would be no good for birds (mainly farmland).
But stopped a couple of times and got some good ticks.
A small dry creek, lined with Casuarinas. Here I found 3 mistletoebirds
including 1 dependent young (dy), a female white winged triller with 2
dy, a rainbow bee-eater, diamond firetail, dusky woodswallows with dy, 2
pippits, lots of redrumps.
The Brook homestead: More rainbow bee-eaters and dusky woodswallows.
Sawyers Gully-creek: 3 more mistletoe birds- 2 adult males and 1 female.
Rainbow bee-eaters, 2 diamond firetails, 4 pippits, and silvereyes
seemed to be on the move.
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