
Open garden this weekend

To: "Canberra Birds" <>
Subject: Open garden this weekend
From: "Barbara Preston" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 18:24:59 +1100
Hi All
This message it to let you know that our garden (21 Boobialla Street O'CONNOR) will be open next weekend - as part of the Australia's Open Garden scheme (10.00am to 4.30pm both Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th January).
Everyone is very welcome to come ($5 entry - money raised goes to Amnesty International - they will be staffing the gate and having a stall etc).
I've attached a flier - if workmates/friends etc may be interested you could put it up on a notice board or forward it. Thanks.
If you have fliers etc re. birds /COG, native plants / ANPS, or anything (non-commercial) related to making gardens more environmentally friendly etc I will be happy to see if I can have them available on the day. If you send me an A4 page electronically I can print off copies.
Barbara Preston Research
ABN 18 142 854 599
21 Boobialla Street
O'Connor  ACT  2602
Phone: 61 2 6247 8919
Fax: 61 2 6247 8779
Mobile: 0439 47 8919

Attachment: Open Garden scheme flier 0801.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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