
Finch Central, Pinnacle [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Subject: Finch Central, Pinnacle [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
From: "Whitworth, Benjamin - BRS" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:38:48 +1100

I went to Finch Central- NW Coppins crossing (on the 31st Dec), and it was very hot even at 10am

Nevertheless I managed to see brown songlark, pipits, 2 diamond firetails, many fairy wrens, redbrow finches carrying nesting material, 2 grey currawongs, 2 goldfinches, a dusky woodswallow, and a rufous songlark. I think the S side of the river is better.


Pinnacle: Had a great day at the Pinnacle on the 29th Dec

Saw a satin bowerbird, 2 diamond firetails, 2 leaden flycatcher nests. 2 separate groups of white winged trillers with dependent young, a rufous songlark carrying food,  4 dollarbirds, an olive backed oriole, 3 rainbow lorikeets, dusky woodswallows probably with young in nest (kept swooping magpies), another pair of dusky woodswallows with ny, black faced cuckoo shrike with dependent young, 2 sitellas, 2 speckled warblers (East edge of stringybark forest).



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  • Finch Central, Pinnacle [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED], Whitworth, Benjamin - BRS <=

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