At Uriarra Village woodland on Friday
Finding a Red-capped robin pair with dependent young
was pretty exciting.
Also dusky woodswallows with dy, 1 pair of white
winged trillers with dependent young, one pair with 2-3 young in nest. Western
gerygones with dy. YR and B R thornbills with dy. Rufous songlark carrying food
to a probable nest (multiple times). White plumes both CF and nest building.
Yellow faced honeyeaters with 3 dy.
Also present were diamond firetail, 2 sitellas, 1
restless flycatcher, 3 leaden flycatchers (probably nesting but I couldn’t find
it), 3 noisy friarbirds (no red wattlebirds). Also, kookaburras, white throated
gerygones, choughs.