I've had a C-B Cuckoos hanging in and around
the Kings Point (Ulladulla) area since early spring. What I would like to know
is, do they actively prey on adult birds such as parrots up to Rosella
size?. The reason I ask the question is this. I often put
a handfull of seed out on the balcony to attract the lorikeets and parrots, and
I do realise that I'm naughty and that thousands of these birds will die of
starvation when the've lost the skill of foraging for themselves through my
action of feeding them and that I should be horse-whipped, but my excuse is that
I'm selfish and do'nt care. The only other bird that will clear these
parrots from the balcony is a Grey Goshawk that passes through the area now and
again. The effect on these feeding bird and the surrounding birds by the G. Gos
& C B Cuckoo is dramatic,not only do they depart instantly to
the nearby trees but do not utter even a peep until the coast is clear.
Most of the time you cant see these predators?, but the action of the
other birds soon alerts you to their arrival and with a bit of scrutiny you can
usually find them. I've checked out the web but can't find anything but the
taking of nestlings and eggs now and then by the C.B.Cuckoo , so if anyone knows
it would be good. Before I go, I seen another Square-Tailed Kite cross over the
Princess Hwy at the Pebbly Beach Rd into Murramurang N.P at 8.30am on
boxing day. I've seen on 3 occasions a kite flying over the heathland at
Ulladulla and on 3 occasions the thing has disappeared before I can get
out of the car.
Bob Rusk