Dear subscribers
I have not yet had any response to the call made in
the December 2007 Gang-gang (repeated below) for presenters for the above COG
meeting. What I am looking for is short presentations of about 10 minutes
from members on topics of interest to Canberra birdwatchers. I'm aiming at
a total of about 6 presentations, 3 before and 3 after the tea/coffee break,
which is traditionally held in the middle on Members night.
I would like it to be an interesting and varied
evening and note that in the past poems have been read, or music played, on an
ornithological theme, or there has been a recount of a recent memorable birding
event. One possibility may be showing some of the great images taken on
recent COG outings or of recent visiting birds of interest, remembering that a
good proportion of COG members may not have seen these as they don't subscribe
to the chat line etc.
I'm particularly encouraging members who have not
previously presented to COG and will leave some room for "fresh
Responses direct to this E-mail address are
Jack Holland
January 2008 meeting ? Members
As is traditional, for our January meeting we
will be having a ?Members
Night?, with the opportunity for COG
members to contribute short presentations (no more than 10 minutes) on a range
of bird related topics. If you would like to participate please contact
Jack Holland on 6288 7840 or by E-mail on m("","jack.holland");">.