
range of koel

To: "Michael & Janette Lenz" <>
Subject: range of koel
From: "martin butterfield" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:34:04 +1100
At least two sets of reports of the birds seem to be in coglister-rich areas: there are several observers in the Ainslie area described below (from Janette?), as well as the Scullin/Page/Florey con(sub)urbation.  Could those folk in some way coordinate so that when a/the koel is heard the others attempt to listen for it also and get a rough bearing on the call? 
This information could be triangulated and would seem to be one way of sussing out whether it is one bird or more than one, and from where it/they are calling.

On Dec 17, 2007 9:05 AM, Michael & Janette Lenz <> wrote:
Given their distinctive call and the many reports of tracking them quite a distance from where they were first heard, I hope someone is actually mapping the reports of koels?
The "Ainslie" one has been heard at almost any hour of the day, beginning from 4 am, from Corroboree park (South), to Tyson Street (North), to the Ainslie football fields (West). All estimated to be about a half kilometre range from us.
Does anyone know what the 'normal' range of any one koel is? Or perhaps it depends on habitat ?

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