Ben Boyd NP has fieldwrens - try around the Green
Cape area - we saw them along the track to Pulpit Rock, but there is
suitable habitat all through. Also Ground Parrots, Tawny-crowned HE, Emu-wren
etc etc- a good spot!
We also saw Fieldwrens near Hegarty Bay in Ben
Boyd, this is a bit of a hike to get to though - a walking track goes north
from Bittangabee camp ground.
As for behaviour, I used to regularly see this
species singing from the top of coastal shrubs on sunny days in winter at
Werribee SF. No idea if this behaviour is widespread or not, but it could well
be. The call is very distinctive and the best way to find them.
When not calling they can be difficult to find and/or get a decent look
Don't have any specific sites for Hooded Plover
although they could be present at any quiet ocean beach. BF Cormorant are a
chance at Green Cape and I think I've heard they turn up in the Eden harbour
area occasionally.