Sorry, I omitted from the list
of ace finch-spotters Mat Gilfedder, well known in birding circles throughout
Australia, whose sad departure from Canberra left Marnix to wear out several pairs
of binos trying to keep up a reasonable flow of interesting reports to this
From: Geoffrey Dabb [
Sent: Friday, 25 May 2007 4:40 PM
Subject: [canberrabirds] Central Finch
Well done to Mark Clayton, Steve Holliday, Benj
Whitworth, Dave Sampson and Muriel Brookfield who all recognised an immature
Gouldian Finch. Quite tricky I thought and not something I could have
done cold, I must say.
I thought you might have been put off by the ‘central’
association. Rather surprisingly, it seems the only real ‘central
Australian finch’ is the Painted, being the only one apart from the widespread
Zebra that is found in Alice Springs. [Map from Schodde & Mason
‘Directory of Australian Birds’]