Hi all,
There are still a few people with money pledged to
the twitchathon that I haven’t managed to catch up with as yet. If the
following people could get in touch with me please, I will let them know how
much they pledged;
Milton Smith, Terry Munro, Matthew Frawley, Shaun
Bagley and Shirley Kral.
The following people have paid me but made their
initial pledge via email, so I need an actual address for the receipt;
Greg Ramsay and Wendy Whitham.
The quicker I can finalise all this the quicker I can
get the money off to the twitchathon co-ordinator who will then issue the
receipts which I hope to have available at the January COG meeting. I know that
some people may be away but please try and contact me asap.
All the best for the New Year