Roger Curnow wrote: "at 14:30 as i ambled across avec
binos there was but three"
While not trying to upstage Roger I just came home past the oval (1830
hours) still sans binos but was able to stop this time. Walked to within 25
metres and counted a group of fourteen. That's the most I've seen there since
first noting them on 8 November.
Incidentally, you'll sometimes see a couple ensconced in the line of trees
at the edge of the oval fronting Beaurepaire Crescent. And I'd like to know what
kind of trees they are. Elms? Anyhow, reason I ask is because my untrained
botanical eye suggests they set seed during early spring, if so then
perhaps the Superbs, Rosellas, Red-rumps, King Parrots and Crested Pidges
are attracted to the fallen elm (?) seed.
I won't approach the commensal patch to investigate the fare while birds
are present 'cause I'd spook 'em.
John Layton