For this weekend I have cells K15, L15 and L16. Clearly
I am not going to cover anything like all these. I am proposing to go
for nominal 'saturation' on L15 (northern extremity of which is near Flinders
Way Red Hill so I'll start (first day), after looking in the backyard, by
driving around the nearby suburbs before starting the main job of walking to
Hume via Callum Brae, Mugga etc), then (second day) perhaps one
500-meterer in K15 on the east side of Isaacs Ridge and maybe a couple of
500-meterers on selected parts of L16.
The saturation approach means that for L15 I'll just finish up
with a global figure of eg 213 Crimson Rosellas whether they were seen in
my backyard, on Mount Mugga or at the Narrabundah
While I'll try to avoid counting the same birds twice, with
overlapping participants it won't really be possible to avoid double- or
treble-counting. However if anyone else is planning to forage in any of
the 3 cells mentioned I'd appreciate if you'd let me know and we might be able
to have a degree of coordination eg I won't do a 500-meterer where someone's
already done one.