A reminder to all Garden Bird Chart holders.
If possible, please bring them in to the COG meeting on Wednesday evening at 8pm
at Canberra Girls Grammar School (speakers Dr Peter Fullagar, on our CD of calls
and songs; and PhD student Golo Maurer on Pheasant Coucals). The new GB year
began on Sun 3 July so if you haven't picked up your new chart, they will be
available for collection at the meeting. If you can't make it to the meeting,
charts may be picked up and deposited with David Rosalky, 8 Northcote Cres,
Deakin or Barbara Allan, 47 Hannaford St Page; or they may be sent to COG, PO
box 301, Civic Square 2608. Prompt returns please, and make sure you have filled
in all the details.