Dear list members: for your information and to
circulate to your networks if you wish. COG is keen to advertise this
widely and your assistance would be appreciated. A flyer and
registration form is also attached - these are available on the COG website This will
also be in COGs Newsletter Ganggang in April. (Photos for the flyer
were taken from the Photogallery on the COG website which members of this list
have contributed to - COG thanks those whose photos have been used to
advertise the seminar; we could not acknowlege you all personally on the
Note: All registrations etc to the seminar address, not to me personally
I am seeking some assistance on the day to set up displays, catering, car
park guides etc. If anyone can help please let me know.
Woodlands for Wildlife - Recovery for our
Free Public Seminar - Saturday 4 June, 1.30pm to
CSIRO Discovery Theatrette, Black Mountain
In celebration of World Environment Day, the
Canberra Ornithologists Group, in collaboration with the Wildlife Research and
Monitoring Unit of Environment ACT and the Centre for Resource and
Environmental Studies ANU, is hosting a seminar focussing on woodland birds and
actions for their recovery - this seminar is for a wide general audience as well
as researchers, students etc.
Woodland birds continue to decline in our region against a
background of loss of habitat and other factors. There is less than 5% of
the original woodlands left in the SE of Australia, and much of this is in
small, unconnected patches. What is being done, and what more can be
done, to bring some of our declining birds back to local
woodlands? What research is needed to answer the questions we don't
have the answers to? How can we restore and re-connect habitat for particular
species of birds?
seminar will focus on what individual land owners, community groups, academic
and research organisations, and governments are doing - "on the ground".
include Professor David Lindenmayer (Centre for Resource and Environmental
Studies, ANU), Dr Geoff Barrett (CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems), Dr Jack Baker
(Birds Australia), Ms Alison Rowell (Consultant to COG Woodland Bird Survey
Project). Seminar Chairperson Dr Richard Schodde. Panel discussion
with speakers.
to Register: Prior
booking is recommended to ensure a seat (and to assist in catering
afternoon tea). Email completed registration form to
mail to COG PO Box 301, Civic Square, ACT 2608. Bookings can be made up to
Wednesday 1 June. Otherwise seats subject to availability on the
day. (Theatre has capacity for 170 people).
form and further information available
on the COG website at: A
program with full details of speakers, topics etc will be available on this
website nearer the time.