If you're referring to the handout map, which is just a sketch
in some respects, the boundary of that reserve does not quite extend down to
Mugga Lane. I think, but am not sure, that the boundary as shown would lie
along the fenceline of an old paddock. When I had survey plots in the
paddock on the corner of Mugga and Long Gully, the lessee of Mugga Mugga had
grazing rights there, and they might extend a bit further north. The veg
was so poor that I moved the plots (to East O'Malley!). I still
have some in the old riding school area which is immediately north of the
northern boundary of the IR Reserve as shown on that map.
If you really want precise metes and bounds, I think the best
thing is to inquire at Southside Parks in Athlonn Dve, where you will probably
get the benefit of a detailed map.
Apart from that i would recommend the Isaacs Ridge, east side,
as a good bird area. I can remember standing there at different times and
looking down on migrating woodswallows and feeding needletails. Does
involve a bit of a climb, but nothing to deter the average hillwalking