A flock of seven Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos
attempted to feast on a pine tree in my neighbour's property at 5pm today
(Wednesday). (I live in the older part of Deakin.) They were
harassed by Sulphur-crested Cockatoos which landed beside, or sometimes on, the
YTBCs to ensure that the pine tree remained their feeding resource. The
harassment was successful and the YTBCs headed for Parliament House (where all
the other cockatoos operate!).
Some other observations of interest of recent
- Hobby falcon in central Curtin adjacent to the
shops (today)
- Two Satin Bowerbirds (green) in my garden
last week. I have never had more than a single bird just passing
through. These birds were present for at least two days and
communicating together. Sometimes the Wee-ow call and at other times a
low growl which acted as a contact call because one bird would then join the
other. My guess is that I was observing a mother and juvenile but I have
no particular diagnostic factors to verify this - just the
- A Grey Butcher-bird calling in suburban Red Hill
last week (a propos an exchange of views on this list about GBs in the
suburbs). The site is high in the suburb not far from the bushland on
the hill.
- The call of a Spotted Turtle-dove at the same spot
in Red Hill (I reported an STD there several months ago).
David Rosalky Deakin