Last time I was there, there was a camera at the hide, and I think the sign
said it was to monitor visits. But that assumes everyone passes through there.
I would have thought monitoring the gates would be better, as many wouldn't do
that on every visit.
Peter Shute
Sent from my iPad
> On 30 Dec 2014, at 5:20 pm, Dave Torr <> wrote:
> There has been a lot of discussion on the "Victorian Birders" group on
> Facebook which many of you may not look at.
> To summarise - there are rumours that Melbourne Water are planning changes
> to the access rules for the WTP which may well have an adverse affect on
> birders. Apparently they are seeing a declining number of birders
> registering to visit the plant, which can only add to the views in MW that
> access is not important. Those of us who go regularly I don't think have
> noticed such a reduction, so the hypothesis is that some people are
> entering without registering. As I say - this is all hypothesis and you can
> head over to the Facebook group to see the discussion.
> But I think it is in the long term interests of ALL birders that everyone
> registers their visits to the plant so that MW see it is well used. Does
> not even have to be a phone call these days - you can email at
> Remember that it is a condition of your
> permit and do the right thing!
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