Published sightings for the week ending 4 May 2014.
Sat 3 May
Spotted Harrier, White-bellied Sea-Eagle, Whistling Kite, Brahminy Kite
Susan Island, Grafton
Adult Spotted Harrier flying low over eastern end of Island, two adult Brahminy Kites perched in dead tree eastern end of Island, 4 juvenile-immature White-bellied Sea-Eagles, 3 Whistling Kites and a juvenile Brahminy Kite in flight over western end of Island.
Greg Clancy
Brown Goshawk
Rocky Point Concord
One Brown Goshawk was circling over the Rivendell site at about 10 am this morning.
Judy Clark
Fri 2 May
Russet-tailed Thrush
Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park
At 4:39 pm one Russet-tailed Thrush was seen flying then landing on the ground and then moments later flying up to a lower branch just South East of the Scout Hall on the western side of the park. This is a first for me at this location, it seems the area is slowly becoming a better rainforest habitat with all the work of the Friends of the park over the last two decades.
Ian Kerr
Black-necked Stork
Belmore Swamp, Seales Rd
One Black-necked Stork at the pond near the northern end of Seales Rd. Flew off in a south-easterly direction and settled at the treeline about 1 km away.
Roger and Bev Giller
Swift Parrot
Private Property, Macquarie Grove Road, Cobbitty
Small flock of 6 Swift Parrots observed feeding in Eucalyptus tereticornis on lerps. Swift Parrots chased by Bell Miners.
Brendon Levot
Black Bittern, Nankeen Night-Heron, Eastern Osprey
Deep Water Park Milperra
An adult male Black Bittern flushed from the edge of the main duck pond and landed exposed in she-oaks on the island in the pond (near a Nankeen Night-Heron). An Eastern Osprey was also at the same pond
David James
Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Pied Oystercatcher
Cudgen Creek (Ed Parker Rotary Park)
3 pairs of Glossy Black-Cockatoo preening in a bunch of dead horsetail she-oak on eastern side of creek. Pair of Pied Oystercatcher on small rock spit in creek, one banded (yellow band, left leg 'L6'), along with 48 Little Black Cormorants, 6 Australian Pelicans & 4 Silver Gulls.
Ian Colvin
Thu 1 May
Rainbow Bee-eater, Restless Flycatcher, Black-chinned Honeyeater
Southgate State Forest
2+ Rainbow Bee-eaters foraging around canopy and perched in tall trees, heard Restless Flycatcher and Black-chinned Honeyeater.
Greg Clancy & Warren Thompson
Freckled Duck, Pink-eared Duck
Lawrence Egret Colony Swamp
5+ Freckled Ducks and 20+ Pink-eared Ducks
Greg Clancy & Warren Thompson
Wood Sandpiper
Wilford's Lane wetlands Milton NSW
While trying to relocate the possible Long-toed Stint we happened across another unusual bird for this location - a Wood Sandpiper. A rather poor quality photo attached.
Chris Shinton and Bob Rusk
Paradise Riflebird, Wompoo Fruit-Dove, Varied Triller, Little Shrike-thrush, et al
Nightcap National Park (Gibbergunyah Range Rd)
A lovely few hours spent at Gibbergunyah Range Road / Big Scrub loop. Species seen: Fan-tailed Cuckoo, Mistletoebird (2), Large-billed Scrubwren (numerous), Emerald Dove (3), Grey Fantail (3), Paradise Riflebird (male), Eastern Whipbird (1), White-headed Pigeon (5), Wonga Pigeon (3), Varied Triller (2), Red-browed Finch (numerous), White-throated Treecreeper (1), Green Catbird (2), Australian Logrunner (2), Golden Whilster, Eastern Yellow Robin, Topknot Pigeon (some big flocks in the area), Lewin's Honeyeater, Wompoo Fruit-Dove (1), Little Shrike-thrush (2), Bar-shouldered Dove, Brown Cuckoo-Dove (numerous), Azure Kingfisher (2). I also saw a Dingo / wild dog and a very large Land Mullet which lives in a burrow near the causeway.
Charles Hunter
Powerful Owl
20 Woodfield Avenue, Bundeena
One Powerful Owl heard calling at 2000 h from large tree in neighbours yard (west of #20). Called for around 5 min. Weather: Clear sky, still and cool.
Deryk Engel
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Single Wedge-tailed Eagle soaring over the former Riverlands Golf Course, running raucous fear through the local birds, especially the parrots.
David James
Brown Cuckoo-Dove
Riverside Park, Riverside Rd, Chipping Norton
1 Brown Cuckoo-Dove was new for me locally. Also 1 juvenile Swamp Harrier & 1 juvenile male Peregrine Falcon. 6-8 Little Lorikeets, 10+ Scaly-breasted Lorikeets and 10+ Rainbow Lorikeets in the flowering Lemon-scented Gum on Riverside Rd, but no sign (today or Monday) of the Swift Parrot reported there on Friday.
David James
Black-necked Stork
Hexham Swamp Nature Reserve
2 Black-necked Storks seen around 11.30.
Carol Abbott
Wed 30 Apr
Grey Goshawk
Pacific Highway, S of Harwood Bridge, Clarence River
Grey Goshawk (white morph) taken into WIRES care from near Harwood Bridge on April 30 and released a few days ago (as of 4th May).
Clarence Valley WIRES per Greg Clancy
Little Lorikeet
Several pairs of Little Lorikeets moving around the former Riverlands Golf Course.
David James
Diamond Firetail
22km east of Ashford on Emmaville Rd
Small flock 4-5 Diamond Firetails flushed adjacent to road
Bob moffatt
Tue 29 Apr
Noisy Pitta, White-headed Pigeon, Wonga Pigeon
Strickland State Forest
Several Wonga Pigeons were flushed from the ground towards the Arboretum Trail. Upon my return walk to the lower car park, I sighted one Noisy Pitta on the left-hand side of the track, and a single White-headed Pigeon building a nest to the adjacent right-hand side of the track. Both were observed for approximately 15 minutes.
Chris Dryburgh
Mon 28 Apr
Long-toed Stint (Subject to submission to NSW ORAC)
Wilford's Lane wetlands, Milton
The Long-toed Stint was still there this morning, but scope required to view clearly. [Moderator's note (NH): Thanks for the update. Sightings of Long-toed Stints in NSW should be submitted to NSW ORAC]
Chris Shinton
Sun 27 Apr
Bassian Thrush, Brown Cuckoo-Dove
Larool Creek Valley, Thornleigh
8 Brown Cuckoo-Doves and one Bassian Thrush seen along track next to Larool Ck at the bottom of Wareemba Ave.
Lewis Benham
Brown Skua
Mistral Point, Maroubra
Saw a Brown Skua then amazingly had another chasing it, very distant, but both looked the same size. Also 35 Wedge-tailed Shearwaters, 5 Flesh-footed Shearwaters and an adult Kelp Gull. First Humpback Whale was seen yesterday, apparently there have been a few early records this year further south in NSW.
David Mitford
Mt Blackheath
Whilst out walking on a cold misty afternoon up on Shipley Plateau, came across a Superb Lyrebird. Following close behind was a Pilotbird, my first.
Andy Firth
Levenstrath Rd Levenstrath nr Grafton.
9.15am Two brolga just below the house. Probably the same two birds that have been present almost every day since 13th.
Warren Thompson
Long-toed Stint (Subject to submission to NSW ORAC)
Wilfords Lane wetlands, Lake Burrill.
A single Long-toed Stint was spotted this morning at 9.30 am on the west end of the wetlands feeding along the lake mud flats. Seen when looking from the outlook at the end of Wilford Lane and originally mistaken for a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper until moving towards to 2 Black-fronted Dotterels standing close by. Although severely tazered by the electric fence I still managed to get closer and get better views of the leg colour and general plumage. This has been a poor season re Wilford WL besides a few hundred Sharp-tailed Sandpipers early in the season there's been nothing of the regular sightings Pacific Golden Plovers, Common Greenshanks or Marsh Sandpipers. [Moderator's note (NH): Sightings of Long-toed Stints in NSW should be submitted to NSW ORAC]
Bob Rusk
Sat 26 Apr
Swift Parrot
Royal National Park Wises Track
Just an update from original report early last week - as of Saturday still 6 Swift Parrots around..... in a stand of Eucalypts maybe 0.5-1km along from the northern end of the Wises Track. Also, as mentioned numerous honeyeaters including Tawny-crowned, Yellow-faced, White-naped, Scarlet, Fuscous and usual New Holland Honeyeaters and Noisy Friarbirds. Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos also plentiful. Thanks to the original report - first ever Swift Parrots :)
David Vickers
Campbell Albatross (unusual plumage)
Wollongong Pelagic
Albatross observed (picture attached) Wollongong pelagic with yellowish eyes similar to Campbell Albatross. The bill is also similar to an adult CA. However a dark band occurs in front of and behind the eyes. Also grey around the neck and face with a white cap. Under the wings are a lot darker than a mature CA. Lindsay and all on board were puzzled by this bird. Any ideas? [Moderator's note (NH): Yes, this is an interesting bird indeed. There was a similar one on a Wollongong pelagic a few years ago. Without further evidence of hybridisation I would ID this bird as a Campbell Albatross showing an unusual mix of adult (iris, bill, eye-brow) and immature features (dark underwings and grey head and neck)].
Michael Rutkowski
Grey Falcon
On Arumpo Road. Approx. half way along unsealed road to Mungo NP.
Three birds seen on roadside and flew to fence posts at approx. 10:15am. At one stage, two birds were perched on the same post. Photographed and viewed from some distance for around 5 minutes.
Graham Collins and Anne Collins
Thu 24 Apr
Maria River Road (Crescent Head to Port Macquarie)
4 Brolga seen in wet grassland on Maria River Road between Crescent Head Road and North Shore ferry across to Settlement Point (Port Macquarie): 2 adults and 2 almost fully grown young (~80% adult size, with orange bills and orange tinge to face).
Peter Higgins
Square-tailed Kite
Crescent Head
Single bird in flight over houses.
Peter Higgins
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Glossy Ibis, Australasian Shoveler, Pink-eared Duck
Boyters Lane, Jerseyville
8 Glossy Ibis, 20+ Shovelers, 8+ Pink-eared Duck and 32 Royal Spoonbills on wetland on south side of eastern end of Boyters Lane (opposite hide wetland) along with many Chestnut Teal and Black-winged Stilt and other wetland species (I'll try and submit a full list separately). Mainly Chestnut Teal at hide wetland, along with Mangrove Gerygones. Tawny Grassbirds and Golden-headed Cisticolas in tall roadside grasses and in paddocks around these two wetlands. Quite a few Sharp-tailed Sandpipers in shallow flooded paddocks either side of Boyters Lane to the west, along with other waterbirds, including Black-winged Stilts and 2 Red-kneed Dotterels, and Pheasant Coucal on side of road in sun. More Glossy Ibis (5) in flooded paddock at western end of Boyters Lane, along with more Sharp-tailed Sandpipers and Black-winged Stilts and a single Intermediate Egret (all seen from road; no access to private land).
Peter Higgins
Wed 23 Apr
Cinnamon Quail-thrush, White-backed Swallow, Australian Pratincole, Pink-eared Duck
Sturt National Park (Tooma Track)
One male Quail-thrush, two White-backed Swallows, one Australian Pratincole, one Pallid Cuckoo and 6 Pink-eared Duck along Tooma Track. Also one Egernia stokesii zellingi (Stokes Skink) and one Tympanocryptis tetraporophora (Eyrean Earless Dragon).
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson
Cotton Pygmy-Goose (subject to submission to NSW ORAC), Plumed Whistling-Duck
Lake Harrison, Geneva [Kyogle]
1 pair of Cotton Pygmy-Geese still present, also 150 Plumed Whistling-duck.
Rob Elvish
Tue 22 Apr
Banded Lapwing, Black Falcon, Chestnut-crowned Babbler
Sturt National Park (Gorge Lookout)
Two Banded Lapwing on a gibber plain (unfortunately no Gibberbirds or Grey Falcons seen or heard) along Gorge Lookout loop. Also one Black Falcon and 15 Chestnut-crowned Babblers.
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson
White-bellied Cuckoo-Shrike, Dusky Woodswallow
Helles Park, Moorebank
Down at Helles Park the other day at archery and White-bellied Cuckoo-Shrike (juvenile) and several Dusky Woodswallows. Haven't seen either in this location before in the 4-5 years I've been shooting there.
Andy Firth
Mon 21 Apr
Hall's Babbler
Gundabooka National Park (Yanda Creek)
Family group of at least eight birds observed for around 10 minutes while conducting research on mistletoes in the park. They were foraging on the ground in a stand of Leopardwood and Mulga. I have been conducting fieldwork in this reserve for the past 7 years and this is the first time I have seen this species. Other notable species observed include Red-winged Parrots (numerous pairs seen frequently), Southern Whiteface (small flocks commonly around Belah Quarters), White-browed Treecreepers and Eastern Yellow Robins (pairs seen near Belah Quarters). Although Red-capped Robins were abundant, no Hooded Robins were seen in the four days we were there--normally abundant and easily seen around Belah Quarters.
David M Watson
Chirruping Wedgebill, Bluebonnet, Southern Whiteface
Sturt National Park (Gorge Lookout)
12 Chirruping Wedgebills, 2 Bluebonnets, 2 Southern Whiteface, 12 Apostlebirds along the Gorge Lookout loop.
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson
Inland Dotterel, Orange Chat
Sturt National Park (South Myers Tank)
One juv. Inland Dotterel at South Myers Tank after dark. A pair (M&F) of Orange Chat came at the tank in the late afternoon. 6 Gehyra variegata in the hide.
Nikolas Haass & Raja Stephenson
Sat 19 Apr
Cotton Pygmy-Goose (subject to submission to NSW ORAC)
Lake Harrison, Geneva
One female Cotton Pygmy-Goose found at the northeast corner of the lake. Lake is close to Kyogle. Up to 5 previously found here in recent months. photo collage from Steve attached
Kathy Wilk & Steve McBride
Fri 18 Apr
White-fronted Honeyeater
garden in Holbrook near Albury
A White-fronted Honeyeater was seen in a surburban garden in Holbrook feeding in a Red Salvia Bush. The bird was kept under observation for 15-20 minutes and the pertinant details were noted. We have not seen this species in Holbrook before and the nearest we have seen such a bird has been in the Cocoparra NP near Griffith.
Ian Harpley and Wilma Emerton per Alan Morris
Cotton Pygmy-Goose (subject to submission to NSW ORAC),
Lake Woorabinda River Reserve (Hillston)
Surprised to see a way out of range female Cotton Pygmy-Goose on the lake in the late afternoon sun. Was still there the next morning but was gone when passing back through a week later. [Moderator's note (NH): Sightings of Cotton Pygmy-Geese should be submitted to NSW ORAC.]
Joy Tansey & Jennifer Spry
Sun 13 Apr
Collared (Magnificent) Petrel, 'New Caledonian' type Storm-Petrels - now with link to photos
Brittania Seamount off Ballina
Highlights of day 2 of Paul Walbridge's trip (for day 1 see #217306 in Birdline Central & Southern Queensland) were: A Collared Petrel (paler than the three at Queensland Seamount), 10+ 'New Caledonian' type Storm-Petrels, a Red-tailed Tropicbird, 3 White-tailed Tropicbirds, a Streaked Shearwater, two White-faced Storm-petrels, large numbers of Tahiti and Kermadec Petrels, good numbers of Gould's Petrels, 2 Sooty Shearwaters, 2 White Terns, many Sooty Terns (plus the usual Grey-faced & Providence Petrels, Wedge-tailed & Flesh-footed Shearwaters). P.S. 'New Caledonian' type Storm-Petrel is an undescribed taxon similar to large NZ Storm-Petrels with darker underwings (previously seen off Ulladulla, NSW [March 2010]; SEQ and New Caledonia). This taxon may represent the mysterious 'Striped Storm-Petrel 'Pealea lineata' or 'Thalassidroma lineata' (see discussion in our submission of the Ulladulla bird in March 2010). More research needs to be done. Here is a link to Raja's photos:
The crowd on Paul Walbridge's Seamount pelagic
Mon 7 Apr
Eastern Grass-Owl
Pacific Highway, S of Harwood Bridge, Clarence River
Eastern Grass-Owl taken into WIRES care from near Harwood Bridge on April 7 and still recuperating (as of 4th May).
Clarence Valley WIRES per Greg Clancy