
Birdline Tasmania Weekly Update

Subject: Birdline Tasmania Weekly Update
Date: 7 Apr 2014 03:02:47 +1000

Birdline Tasmania

Published sightings for the week ending 6 Apr 2014.

Sun 6 Apr Eastern Curlew Orielton Lagoon
A pair of Eastern Curlews were feeding at the north end of Orielton Lagoon, in from Shark Point Road, at 8:30 am. They did not stay in one place for long, flying a few circles before landing each time. Also a group of about 30 Australian Shelducks at the water's edge. They were very shy and flew off when I was some distance from them.
Paul Tildesley

Sat 5 Apr Pink-eared Duck (4), Blue-billed Duck (1) Ellesmere Dam (aka Mud Walls Dam)
Four birds roosting with large numbers of shelduck and teal on the western shore of the dam. They were not visible from the road until the mixed flock took to the water after I got out of my car. Also a male Blue-billed Duck, in almost full eclipse plumage, out in the middle of the dam.
Paul Brooks

Black-winged Stilt Tamar Island Wetlands
Single bird, I am told its been around a while.
Ed Pierce

Fri 4 Apr Australian Spotted Crake Goulds Lagoon, Granton
South end of main lagoon.
Brian Nolan

Thu 3 Apr Freckled Duck Narawntapu National Park
At least 8 ducks, far end of lagoon from hide.
Ed Pierce

Wed 2 Apr Freckled Duck Tamar Island Wetlands
6 ducks (5 in photo), photo taken from second bridge to north, they then flew over bridge to area south of the centre.
Ed Pierce

Sun 30 Mar Pied and Sooty Oystercatchers Shipwreck Point, Perkins Island, NW
Mixed flock of 650 birds, 210 of which were Sooty. Flocks here usually substantial but this is quite generous.
Richard and Erica Ashby. Hazel Britton.

Lesser Sand Plover Shipwreck Point, Perkins Isl, NW
Single bird roosting slightly apart from c3800 other shorebirds of twelve sp.
Richard and Erica Ashby. Hazel Britton.

Double-banded Plover Shipwreck Pt, Perkins Island, NW
Probably 1000 birds in a mixed flock of about 3800. Biggest number of this species we've seen in Tasmania.
Richard and Erica Ashby. Hazel Britton.

Sat 29 Mar Pink-eared Duck Ellesmere Dam (Mud Walls Dam)
4 ducks, also seen on 30th march.
Ed Pierce

Sun 23 Mar Forty Spotted Pardalote Moulting Lagoon Game Reserve
Small group of about 3 birds at the Greening Australia site just off main road about half way between Coles Bay and Bicheno. [Moderator's note - published as a "Highlight", due to extreme extra-limital occurrence of a highly restricted species. However, observer is confident of ID].
Rob and Caroline Gully

Fri 21 Mar Forty Spotted Pardalote Douglas Apsley National Park
Very surprised to see a flock of about 20 birds land in a dead tree on the road into the park. [Moderator's note - published as a "Highlight", due to extreme extra-limital occurrence of a highly restricted species, and large flock number. However, observer is confident of ID]
Rob and Caroline Gully

Tue 18 Mar Freckled Duck Narawntapu National Park
Five birds swam in a line in front of the bird hide and were seen by 4 observers.
Barry Davies

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