
Letter-winged Kites in SA

To: "'Birding Aus'" <>
Subject: Letter-winged Kites in SA
From: "Tony Russell" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 12:19:41 +1030
In response to the recent report of Letter-winged Kites by Paul Taylor near
Pt Wakefield, Enid Pascoe and myself went to the property this morning where
we were greeted by the friendly owner. She took us out to where Paul was
with some other birders. We were immediately shown some Pratincoles ( there
were quite a few in the area), and Paul indicated that the Kites had been
seen this morning. He pointed us in the general direction of some distant
trees , so we drove carefully around the paddocks and Enid quickly found
five Letter-winged Kites in one of the trees.   We would like to thank Paul
and the property owner for their kind assistance.



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