I just tried it myself, and also got 183. I suspect it thought you were in
Central Australia. After I used the "drop pin" thing to set my location to
Ulladulla, I got 363 species which look sort of right.
It took me a while to work out how to control the pin. When you tap the menu
item, it drops it right in the middle of the screen. You can then drag it
around, but I can't reliably get it to respond. I found it better to tap again
to remove the pin, then zoom into the right area so the middle of the screen is
where I want it, then try again.
There's definitely something wrong with it. Playing with moving the pin around
Tasmania, and offshore and back again, I got a list in the hundreds, then zero,
then over 900.
I think it's more useful as a way of reducing the number of choices when
creating lists, than as a way of knowing what might be around. I was hoping it
would have proper checklists for the listed birding sites, but it only lists
species in the site descriptions.
Peter Shute
Sent from my iPad
> On 3 Dec 2013, at 3:33 pm, "Peter Shute" <> wrote:
> I think it generates the list for the the one degree "square" of latitude and
> longitude of your position, which works out to about 100km square at that
> latitude, so you should certainly get more than coastal species listed. I
> think you also have to nominate the location of that "square", so perhaps
> something went wrong with that too.
> Peter Shute
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> On Behalf Of
>> John Leonard
>> Sent: Tuesday, 3 December 2013 2:40 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Pizzey and knight app
>> As I and tahini in ulladulla over Xmas I decided to use this
>> app to generate a list to remind me of coastal species to
>> keep a look out for.
>> The app generated a list of 183 spp, but early in the
>> alphabet it listed
>> Bellbird, Crested
>> Bowerbird, Western
>> Buzzard, Black-breasted
>> I tried it again, and it returned a list of 0 species :-(
>> John Leonard
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