Sonja, I agree. We've found such items as well as an assortment of other
things, and posted messages. It may also be worthwhile reporting the find to
the local police station.
Denise Lawungkurr Goodfellow
PO Box 71, Darwin River,
NT 0841
043 8650 835
PhD candidate, SCU
Vice-chair, Wildlife Tourism Australia
On 29/10/13 10:47 AM, "Sonja Ross" <> wrote:
> It's still probably worth doing though, Phillip, as they are expensive and it
> doesn't cost us anything to post. Even if it doesn't happen to be a birder,
> birders often know people who like to photograph native orchids for example,
> and could pass on the message. Bird photographers can be members of camera
> clubs too, and the word can pass around that way. Networks can be amazing
> things!
> Sonja
> On 29/10/2013, at 12:00 PM, "Philip Veerman" <> wrote:
>> This kind of message comes up at times. It intrigues me to think that some
>> of us may think that the only people who would be there and use devices like
>> this would be bird interested people, as distinct from the vast number of
>> other possible reasons. And that they would be readers of this list. Of
>> course it may be and may be fortunate if it is. But the chances of both
>> being correct are low and in the meantime someone else is probably searching
>> the place for their Electronic Flash. Did you leave a big note at the
>> location, so that someone who went searching for it could contact you?
>> I think that making this assumption about something being about birds when
>> it need not be, is a bit like the assumption made recently about likely
>> mudflat bait takers maybe taking eggs.
>> Philip
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> On Behalf Of Paul Walbridge
>> Sent: Tuesday, 29 October 2013 7:35 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Electronic Flash
>> Hi All, Brian Russell and myself spent the last few days meandering around
>> some popular SEQ birding spots and at one particular spot picked up an
>> expensive current model flash unit off the ground, by the looks of things
>> just recently left and in working order. Anyone who thinks it's theirs
>> please contact myself or Brian with the brand/model name and location you
>> think you left it at. Cheers - Paul W.
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