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There are some very detailed analyses of the two web photos of the claimed
night parrot by some folk who are serious about photographic evidence of rare
bird records. In the UK we have suffered from a number of fakes in recent
years, mostly brought out into the open by Birdforum members. Some of these
were high profile rarities where people travelled miles to look for them so it
is clear that any sort of tampering of such globally significant bird photos
are of serious concern. I recommend anyone to look at these postings so they
can make up their minds what to believe, quite frankly it does not look good
when large portions of the photo are clearly faked, indeed the whole picture
could indeed be contrived. Shoot me down if you like but please look at the
details first.
I'm sorry that this has possibly all come about after I initially posted a
message on Birdforum of the discover , taken from the posting on Birding Aus
back a few months , of course then it was posted in good faith that the records
(ie photos) were genuine. Many people In the UK take a real interest in
Australian birds so we are all now very disappointed in the current position.
If there is someone who could get the truth out in the open I'm sure we could
all clear this up.
Matthew Rodgers
UK and frequent birder in Australia
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